New CEO of Conscia Group

Copenhagen, Denmark – 23rd March 2018 – The Board of Directors has per April 1 , 2018, appointed Claus Thorsgaard as new CEO of Conscia.

Claus Thorsgaard most recently held the position as Executive VP of Global Sales in Deltek, which is offering customers cloud-based business systems. Claus Thorsgaard has more than 20 years of international leadership experience from enterprise software companies, and was previously to Deltek Chief Operating Officer at Maconomy A/S.

”Today, the Conscia Group is represented in Denmark, Sweden, Norway and the Netherlands. I am convinced that Claus Thorsgaard will contribute positively to the continued international growth of the Group,” says Mogens Elsberg, Chairman of the Board, and continues: ”The market is in constant development, and our partner Cisco is going through a transformation towards becoming more of a software-company. We look forward to enable Claus Thorsgaard’s competencies and many years of experience in this field.”

Mogens Bransholm, who has been heading the Group since 2008 and also has been driving the growth from 150 to 350 employees over the past year, is looking forward to take the responsibility to develop Conscia’s business model in the various countries in his new role as responsible for Corporate Business Development.

For more information, please contact:
Dorthe Dahlin Irvold, Communications Director, Conscia
Phone +45 20 42 96 11
Email: [email protected]

Om Conscia

Conscia er en ledende leverandør av cybersikkerhets- og nettverksløsninger for forretningskritisk IT-infrastruktur i store europeiske organisasjoner. Conscias eksperter designer, implementerer og drifter innovative, tilpassede IT-løsninger på tvers av cybersikkerhet, nettverk og hybrid sky, og støtter kundene gjennom hele teknologiens livssyklus.

Conscia ble grunnlagt i 2003 og eies av private equity-investoren Nordic Capital. Med rundt 1,200 ansatte betjener Conscia store organisasjoner innen finans, helsevesen, produksjon, verktøy, detaljhandel og offentlig sektor fra kontorer i Danmark, Tyskland, Norge, Slovenia, Sverige, Nederland og Storbritannia. I 2022/23 økte omsetningen med 32 % til 582 millioner euro, se mer på


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