Sæt kryds i kalenderen – Tag med Conscia til Cisco Live Las Vegas 2023
Vil du med Conscia til Cisco Live 2023 i Las Vegas? (See English verison below)
Planlægger du at deltage i årets globale Cisco Live konference? Så tag med på vores konferencetur. Du kommer til at være sammen med andre dygtige danskere og får et spændende program fyldt med både fagligt indhold og socialt samvær.
Om turen
Vi har tilrettelagt et program, som sikrer, at du får rig lejlighed til læring, sparring og networking samt naturligvis maksimalt udbytte af årets største Cisco-begivenhed. Vi sender også selv nogle af vores dygtige konsulenter med jer til Las Vegas.
Cisco Live-programmet er som altid spækket med forskelligt indhold. Du kan fordybe dig i sessioner indenfor Ciscos mange teknologiområder eller vælge et af de mere ledelsesmæssige spor, og du kan selvfølgelig tage forskellige certificeringstests i løbet af ugen.
Læs hele det officielle Cisco Live-program og tilmeld dig Cisco Live her
Bestil senest 9. maj for at få earlybird-prisen.
Hvor skal vi bo?
Vi skal bo på et centralt placeret hotel, hvorfra der er let transport til Cisco Live konferencen.
Hvad er med i konferencepakken?
- Hotel med morgenmad i perioden 3.- 8. juni
- Transport mellem hotel og konference
- Velkomstevent og to middagsarrangementer
- Mulighed for sightseeing
Du booker og betaler selv fly og Cisco Live-adgangspas
Flybillet t/r til Las Vegas skal du selv bestille, så du kan passe det ind i din kalender, og hvilken lufthavn i Danmark, du ønsker at rejse fra.
Læs mere på den globale Cisco Live side her
Har du andre spørgsmål, er du altid velkommen til at kontakte [email protected]
Vi glæder os til en spændende uge i Las Vegas.
Bemærk: Der tages forbehold for ændringer, og deltagelse i arrangementet er først-til-mølle.
Mark your calendar – Join Conscia for Cisco Live Las Vegas 2023
Want to join Conscia at Cisco Live 2023 in Las Vegas?
Planning to attend this year’s global Cisco Live conference? Then join us on our conference tour. You will be with other talented Danes and get an exciting program filled with both academic content and socializing.
We have organized a program that ensures that you get ample opportunity for learning, sparring, and networking as well as, of course, maximum benefit from the year’s largest Cisco event. We also send some of our skilled consultants with you to Las Vegas.
As always, the Cisco Live program is packed with different content. You can immerse yourself in sessions within Cisco’s many technology areas or choose one of the more managerial tracks, and you can of course take various certification tests during the week.
Read the full official Cisco Live program and sign up for Cisco Live here
Where will we live?
We will be staying at a centrally located hotel from which there is easy transport to the Cisco Live conference.
What is included in the conference package?
- Hotel with breakfast from 3rd to 8th of June
- Transportation between hotel and conference
- Welcome event and two dinner events
- Sightseeing opportunity
You book and pay for flights and Cisco Live access passes
You must book airfare to and from Las Vegas yourself, so you can fit it into your calendar and which airport in Denmark you want to travel from.
Read more about Cisco Live passes on the global Cisco Live page here
If you have any other questions, you are always welcome to contact [email protected]
We look forward to an exciting week in Las Vegas.
Please note: Changes are subject to change and participation in the event is first come, first served.