Conscia Group, a leading provider of security and IT infrastructure Solutions, on March 5th, 2020 became the first Cisco Partner in the world to successfully qualify across multiple countries in a combined Customer Experience Specialization Partner capability review. This allows Conscia to leverage resources, consistent processes, and tools shared by multiple countries. As a result of that they are recognized in Denmark, Norway, Sweden and the Netherlands as Advanced Customer Experience Specialized.
“A world class customer experience across the full lifecycle of their solutions is crucial for customers to succeed and a competitive differentiator for us. Well done, Conscia, congratulations on your remarkable achievement”, said Kim Sonn, Channel Lead, Cisco EMEAR North.
Information Technology has traditionally often focused on the fulfilling of specific short-term technological needs. The rapidly growing business importance, interconnectedness and complexity of IT means that this piecemeal approach frequently fails to deliver the long-term value the customer is seeking. In a world of continuous development and delivery of IT-functionality, a partner needs to work more closely with the customer to ensure that the latter gets the desired business value faster from the continuous software innovations.
The Cisco Customer Experience Specialization Capability for partners addresses this. In every one of the four Conscia countries, there are now multiple certified Customer Success Managers, trained Renewal Managers and Adoption Consultants. They are supported by the expertise and audited processes of the Conscia Center of Excellence in Customer Experience (CX). Together, they now safeguard that in every Conscia sale, a thorough focus is placed on identifying and delivering the value the customer seeks in measurable terms throughout the lifecycle of the delivered solution or service.
“Achieving the Cisco Customer Experience Advanced Specialization across multiple countries as the first Cisco Partner in the World is another testament to our DNA of striving to be a first mover when Cisco sets a new direction. This key milestone supports our vision of staying relevant for our customers at all times and ensuring the best experience throughout the entire lifecycle”, said Claus Thorsgaard, CEO of Conscia.
The external Customer Experience Specialization Capability audit was carried out on 27 February 2020. NSF International conducted and confirmed that Conscia Group (Denmark, Norway, Sweden and Netherlands) meets all quality system management requirements.
For more information contact
Claus Thorsgaard, CEO, Conscia Group
Tel.: + 45 25 35 23 12
Mail: [email protected]
Om Conscia
Conscia er en ledende leverandør av cybersikkerhets- og nettverksløsninger for forretningskritisk IT-infrastruktur i store europeiske organisasjoner. Conscias eksperter designer, implementerer og drifter innovative, tilpassede IT-løsninger på tvers av cybersikkerhet, nettverk og hybrid sky, og støtter kundene gjennom hele teknologiens livssyklus.
Conscia ble grunnlagt i 2003 og eies av private equity-investoren Nordic Capital. Med rundt 1,200 ansatte betjener Conscia store organisasjoner innen finans, helsevesen, produksjon, verktøy, detaljhandel og offentlig sektor fra kontorer i Danmark, Tyskland, Norge, Slovenia, Sverige, Nederland og Storbritannia. I 2022/23 økte omsetningen med 32 % til 582 millioner euro, se mer på