Innovating for a sustainable IT infrastructure
Our business is rooted in our values, one of which is to “Embrace Sustainable Change.” By this, we mean we:
- are conscious of our responsibility to use our influence to change the world for the better.
- encourage sustainability from the beginning of a project all the way to the finish line.
- inspire each other to lead the way and embrace change.
Sustainability and IT
Through digitalization, cloud solutions, and Internet of Things, the IT industry possesses the ability to globally revolutionize the way business is conducted, and resources are allocated. By providing digital solutions and services, Conscia contributes to a solid and reliable digital foundation for society.
It is Conscia’s ambition to deliver and service some of the most society-critical administrative systems and complex IT infrastructure solutions available on the market, allowing its customers to safely focus their efforts on creating value for customers, employees, society, and other stakeholders.
Conscia’s values:
Inspire Trust, Deliver on Promise, Commit to Collaborate, Learn for Life, Embrace Sustainable Change
Member of the UN Global Compact
Conscia always strives to comply with applicable legislation and is a member of the UN Global Compact. Conscia has developed policies for the ethical conduct of the business and continuously aims for improving its performance within all four areas of the Global Compact – Environment, Ethics, Human Rights, and Labor Rights.
Materiality and sustainability objectives
A materiality assessment involving stakeholders from inside and outside Conscia has established an overview of the company’s most material aspects related to the four areas of the UN Global Compact. Thus, Conscia’s sustainability focus areas are:
- Data security and privacy
- Climate & environmental impact
- Hardware life cycling
- Business integrity
- Green IT
- Employee training & development
In addition, Conscia has identified the following areas where the company needs to perform well to support the business strategy and meet stakeholder expectations: Socially responsible operations, diversity, working conditions as well as student programs & knowledge sharing.
Sustainability objectives
Conscia has defined the following sustainability objectives based on our materiality assessment:
- Environmental responsibility: Committing to keep reducing our environmental footprint as a company, while at the same time helping our customers reduce their environmental footprint through green and sustainable IT solutions.
- Social engagement: Investing in diverse IT talent and education to unfold digital capabilities, while applying our expert knowledge and competencies for the benefit of the community and society at large.
- Governance: Ensuring that the company’s business decisions are based on good corporate governance live up to our ESG commitments.
Environmental responsibility
Conscia is committed to reducing its climate impact and has implemented procedures and initiatives to reduce the company’s greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and resource consumption. Daily operations are monitored and regularly updated to utilize modern power-saving infrastructures both in terms of energy consumption and energy sourcing. The biggest contribution to GHG savings is through the customers’ solution and service choices. Conscia seeks to advise customers on green and sustainable solutions, allowing them to also reduce their climate footprint.
On energy-specific efforts, Conscia has established an electronic device shut down policy, a guide on how to ensure energy-efficient appliances, and energy-saving lighting.
In 2020/21, our CO2 emissions for scope 1 and scope 2 were 786 and 970 metric tons, respectively, covering Conscia headquarters and all subsidiaries.
Electronic equipment is of special concern to Conscia, and appropriate policies for the handling of electronic waste and take-back schemes are in place. A digital waste guide is included in the awareness training for all employees and new hires.
Environmental risks
Conscia is exposed to certain environmental risks, primarily related to the use, reuse, and disposal of IT equipment in the value chain. We are collaborating closely with our main supplier to facilitate that our customers use the Cisco Takeback and Reuse Program. This makes it simple, secure, and sustainable to return end-of-use gear, no matter where the equipment is located or what fabrication. This supports Conscia’s vision of a circular economy.
Social engagement
Conscia denunciates all use of child labor, human trafficking, or any other form of forced or compulsory labor. Conscia wishes to be a positive influence in society, both with own employees and by the way the company’s solutions affect societies in which they are applied.
Conscia is focused on health and job satisfaction and ensures that a safe working environment is in place. There is ongoing dialogue with employees to always understand how the working environment can be improved.
In 2020/21 we reached an average employee Net Promoter Score (eNPS) of 61,
which is considered top 10% in the industry.
Conscia invests in IT talent and education to unfold digital capabilities. The company has engagements with schools and universities to develop digital skills throughout society and across businesses. Different student programs are established to match local needs and engagements.
Social risks
As Conscia primarily works with leading global and recognized players in the industry, the risks related to labor rights are limited. The main social risk for Conscia is the lack of access to IT competencies. Therefore, it is important that Conscia continues to attract, retain and develop skilled employees, and thus, Conscia has initiated several activities to strengthen employer branding, employee experience and not least constant development of skills and competencies in the organization.
Human rights and business ethics
Conscia follows the United Nations’ Declaration of Human Rights and firmly denunciates all use of child labor, human trafficking or any other form of forced or compulsory labor. In the company’s code of conduct, it is clearly stated that Conscia will not compromise on requirements set out in national law or international standards regarding worker safety and human rights. The right to data protection and privacy are also fundamental human rights, which must always be respected in line with any other fundamental rights.
Conscia has established a governance and corporate compliance program covering anti-bribery, competition, data protection and trade sanctions. A comprehensive data protection manual clearly stipulates how to protect privacy and process personal data, and the company has implemented policies regarding anti-bribery and a code of conduct. A whistle-blower system has also been established, where knowledge or suspicions of violations may be reported anonymously and without fear of repercussions.
In 2020/21, no human rights or any anti-bribery incidents were registered.
For training purposes, Conscia is leveraging the KnowBe4 training platform, which is the world’s largest integrated platform for security awareness training combined with simulated phishing attacks. The platform is being used for security awareness training as well as training in internal Conscia processes and governance covering e.g. GDPR, information security and governance.
Human rights and ethics risks
The main human rights and ethics risks are unethical data handling and data leaks leading to dissemination of personal data. To mitigate the risk of non-compliance and violations of legislation, Conscia has implemented a whistle-blower system, where reports may be filed without any fear of repercussions. Further to this, all employees are required to acquaint themselves with corporate policies, which are followed up with the internal training as described above. Awareness campaigns are regularly conducted to maintain attention to good governance and compliance.